10 Best Perfume Recipes Using Essential Oils (2024)

I’ve never been much of a perfume gal but I have a couple that I love and I am definitely glad they are natural. If you’re looking for an alternative to those store-bought perfumes, you’ll love these recipes! My favorite thing about DIY essential oil perfume blends is that you can just put them in a little roller bottle and keep them in your purse, and then switch out with a new recipe when that one’s empty. So handy!

There are many ways to make perfume recipes using essential oils, but I know that you’re probably just as busy as I am and don’t want to buy a whole lot of ingredients. So I’m making these as simple as possible. These are perfect for a gifts including Mother’s Day, too! Ask the special mom in your life what her favorite perfumes orscents are, and then create a few customized DIYessential oil perfume blends for her. She’ll love them!

10 Best Perfume Recipes Using Essential Oils (1)

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10 Best Perfume Recipes UsingEssential Oils

For a handful of years now I’ve been experimenting with some essential oil combinations for perfume. If you’re just getting started with making perfume recipes using essential oils, there are a few things to consider. For example, you’ll want to think about whether an oil provides a base note, middle note, or top note, as well as their intensity in relation to each other.

It can be a lot of fun to come up with your own combinations and I do recommend experimenting! But to get you started, I’ve provided 10 DIY blended perfumes here that you can try yourself, as well as a list of pre-blended oils that would make perfect perfumes themselves, once diluted. And of course, they’re ALL therapeutic, which is an added bonus. Don’t you love things that can multitask? I know I do.

As you use more essential oils you can sort of imagine the scents and blends before making them. But if you’re new to blending, it can be a little trickier. It helps to remember that not only does note matter, but types of aroma can help you craft your perfume. Here are the ones we use most in the combinations below:

  • Earthy scents (patchouli, vetiver)
  • Floral (geranium, lavender, etc.)
  • Woodsy (sandalwood, cedarwood, etc.)
  • Citrus (lime, lemon, bergamot, orange, etc.)

Note that these are about a 3% dilution. For children and pregnant or nursing moms, be sure to check the safety for each ingredient oil and start with a drop less for each – about a 2% dilution rate.

DIY Blended Perfumes

(I buy my oils from Rocky Mountain Oils – free shipping, pure and high quality, and great service!) Combine these oils together with the indicated number of drops in parenthesis.

  • Palmarosa (8), Geranium (1), Ylang Ylang (1)
  • Lavender (5), Orange (4), Ylang Ylang (1)
  • Lavender (6), Vetiver(2), Lemon (2)
  • Rose (5), Lime (3), Vetiver (2)
  • Sandalwood (6), Patchouli (1), Orange (2),Jasmine (1)
  • Lavender (4), Mandarin (4), Juniper (2)
  • Bergamot (4), Geranium (4), Vetiver (2)
  • Frankincense (4), Sweet Orange (4), Geranium (2)
  • Sandalwood (4), Grapefruit (5), Ylang Ylang (1)
  • Cedarwood (5), Lavender (3), Chamomile (2)

Pre-Made Blends for Perfume (Use 10 drops):

  • Sweet Oasis– This is what I use!Copaiba, Cedarwood, Lime, Lavender, and Basalm of Peru
  • Lucky Dragon– Moldavian Dragonhead, Cinnamon Bark, Myrtle, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang
  • Blossoms–Frankincense, Lime, Orange, Balsam of Peru, Sandalwood, Patchouli, German/ Roman Chamomile mix, Pink Grapefruit, and Ylang Ylang
  • Tranquility–Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli, Lime, Blue Tansy, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, and Citronella
  • Love–Lemon, Orange, Geranium, Bergamot, Mandarin, Ylang Ylang, and Rose

How to Make a Perfume Recipe Using Essential Oils

To make the recipes, you’ll need 10mlroller bottles and a carrier oil. You put the essential oils drops from the recipe into the bottle and fill the rest with the carrier oil. I use fractionated coconut oil most often, but you can also use other carrier oils such as jojoba or grapeseed. It’s also best to use a dark blue or brown roller bottle to help it last longer. Store your perfume in a cool, dark place.

If you’re making these as a gift, consider some simple tags tied on with twine, or bundle a variety of your DIY perfumes into a pretty carrying case! I personally love cute essential oil bags because they are great for on-the-go or tucked into your drawer.

10 Best Perfume Recipes Using Essential Oils (2) 10 Best Perfume Recipes Using Essential Oils (3)

Let me know if you try one of these pre-made or DIY blends and how it went! Feel free to share your own combination ideas in the comments, too. 🙂

~ Tauna

Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate moms. A day for making moms feel extra special and appreciated. We all may be celebrating Mother’s Day a little differently this year, but that doesn’t mean the day, or the mom, is any less special! Hopefully your family will get creative, and perhaps start some in traditions, to make your Mother’s Day special and memorable.

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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Leena Upadhyay July 24, 2017Reply

    Hi! Can I add vodka to above recipes if yes then how much??

    1. Tauna Meyer August 14, 2017Reply

      You could but it likely changes the proportions. I have not tried that yet!

    2. John Dokken of Michael Grace Fashions March 26, 2018Reply

      Vodka can be used..(100% vodka is recommended), but I’ve been advised to use EVERCLEAR brand grain alcohol instead at 195 proof .I’m in the process of converting to EVERCLEAR to see if indeed it produces a more distinct blend than Vodka. We’ll see.

  2. Carol October 31, 2017Reply

    Have you tried an atomizer instead of a roller? I am looking for some recipes to also use atomizers. Thank you!

    1. Tauna Meyer November 3, 2017Reply

      I have heard people have good luck using just water (use the same ratios) and shake before each use or use an alcohol like vodka assuming it isn’t for daily use. If I try some myself I’ll report back!

  3. Mona December 2, 2017Reply

    If you should make 2 ml roller bottles for gifts what amounts of essential oils would you use!?

    1. Tauna Meyer December 6, 2017Reply

      I would use 2-3 drops total.

  4. Janet December 29, 2017Reply

    Hi Tauna, thank you for sharing these blends. I am fairly new to essential oils but can’t wait to try them.
    In the blends that you’ve listed , what do the numbers in brackets represent? Also that size roller bottles are you using?
    Thanks again.

    1. Tauna Meyer January 1, 2018Reply

      Oh! Sorry about that. I updated to post to indicate that those numbers are the number of drops for each oil in that blend recipe. I use a 10ML roller bottle.

  5. Diane Merryman December 8, 2018Reply

    Would witch hazel work in a perfume blend instead of vodka?

    1. Tauna Meyer December 8, 2018Reply

      I’ve done that and it seems to work just fine. I’d try it out on a small bottle and see!

  6. Mercy March 10, 2019Reply

    For example u are make an 100ML of perfume how many percent of essential oil and vodka can make a bottle of 100ml? Thanks u.

    1. Tauna Meyer March 16, 2019Reply

      It depends on the dilution rate you prefer. I use about 9-10 drops EO in a 10ml bottle, which is a 3% dilution rate. So if I put 90-100 drops of EO in a 100ml bottle and fill the rest with carrier, it would be about the same dilution rate.

  7. Robleigh March 11, 2019Reply

    For a 2 ml bottle isn’t the ratio about 30 drops of essential oil and then add the carrier or vodka/run?

    1. Tauna Meyer March 16, 2019Reply

      My preference is for a light perfume (3% dilution). For a 10ml roller bottle that is about 9-10 drops EO and the rest carrier oil. I’m not sure what you mean by a 2ml bottle. A standard roller bottle is about 10ml and putting 30 drops of oil in a 2ml roller bottle would be an unsafe dilution rate for pretty much anyone, I think. Unless I’m not understanding what you mean about the sin of the bottle and amount of carrier oil you’re using.

  8. Mary Beverly March 4, 2020Reply

    Can I put rose buds, rose essential oil, a drop of lavender and witch hazel or distilled water in a 3oz spray bottle for a floral perfume spray
    Thank you I am new making it for a gift.

  9. Korri Miller April 30, 2020Reply

    I love all the fun recipes/scents.

  10. Jenniffer Grafton April 30, 2020Reply

    I honestly never thought of using oils for perfumes! I diffuse oils every day while I work. What a great idea to have a truly customizable scent!

  11. Tara E May 2, 2020Reply

    I haven’t used commercial perfume in years. Love that EOs provide benefits while smelling great and not giving me a headache!

  12. Jolene May 3, 2020Reply

    I see few blends I might just try. Thanks!

  13. Rebecca F May 4, 2020Reply

    I am new to EOs, but am excited to try some of these blends. Thank you!

  14. karen h May 4, 2020Reply

    thank you for for being such a blessing to so many moms!!

  15. Andrea September 7, 2020Reply

    I will definitely try these fragrances ! thank you

  16. Alesia Luft November 17, 2021Reply

    how long do these scents last? Is it something that has to be constantly reapplied? I use EO, for my own deoderant and the smell isn’t long lasting. What can you do to make the smell of EO last longer?

    1. Tauna Meyer November 30, 2021Reply

      Using jojoba or coconut oil as a carrier can help it last longer. Some reapplication may still be necessary.

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10 Best Perfume Recipes Using Essential Oils (2024)
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