I Can Feel by Bennett (2024)

The last scene was concrete proof of the level of natural power and skill Bonnie reached at the end of season 8. Many people take that scene for granted.

First, she contains Hellfire (a psychic fire said to destroy everything in its path) within a powerful enough forcefield. Note that this is all the Hellfire in Hell (a worldwide dimension). It had the power of several nuclear bombs. And she was powerful enough to contain it inside a forcefield. That’s an incredibly powerful feat. 200 years ago, it required 100 witches to perform this same feat, but they died trying. But Bonnie did this all by her self.

But it didn’t stop there. She magically redirected all the fire towards her, 8miles away, through the tunnels under Mystic Falls. It takes great magical power to continuously redirect something that powerful over miles and miles of land, making sure it doesn’t go the wrong way. And she did this without even being present. She was able to do all of this mentally, with great focus. Has any witch ever achieved such a feat of power and level of control over something as tangible and powerful as Hellfire without even being physically in the same environment? No. This means Bonnie can attack anyone within an 8-mile radius without being in the same location as they are. That was insane.

Then, when the fires exploded in her face, she still had enough juice to hold it at bay for minutes. It was here that her nose started to bleed (meaning her power was draining and she was pushing it, so it was pushing back).

Then she invoked the Bennett bloodline to join her to send it back to Hell, to destroy Hell. Note that if Bonnie wasn’t psychic, she would have never ever been able to physically interact with spirits because this is not a witch power (in this universe) and spirits from Peace can’t manifest themselves at will. This must have been her psychic side making it possible.

Note that in this universe, only the most powerful witches can channel incredible amounts of power through their bodies, use all that power at once and survive, while weaker witches would get badly hurt or die. An example is Freya channeling the Ancestors’ magic compared to Kaleb getting terrible nose bleeds from channeling a diamond etc. But what’s insane is that Bonnie’s mortal body was powerful enough to withstand channeling at least 2000 years worth of powerful magic. She survived using all of that energy at once.

But all in all she destroyed 4000 year old Hell, freeing possibly billions of souls of “evil” people that had been sent there for millennia. This is possibly the greatest service to humanity any being could ever bring to reality because had she not have stopped Hellfire, it would have spread to the rest of the world in an explosive way because that’s what fires do—and being supernatural in nature I doubt any ordinary human means would have been able to stop it.

This alone should make her the greatest witch/psychic in the last 4000 years. An ultimate saviour of both the spiritual and physical worlds.

And then she broke Kai’s Sleeping Beauty spell (a spell said to be unbreakable) like Dahlia destroyed a spell said to be indestructible. All with her own natural magic (unlike Dahlia).

And even before all of that, in season 7, she resurrected 3 people in the same season, with her own magic. First, she resurrected a vampire spirit from the Phoenix stone into Jo’s body (something that required the power of three Heretics), then she resurrected Matt Donovan after killing him briefly (something she wasn’t powerful enough to do before and needed to channel Dark Magic to achieve), then she resurrected Damon from the Phoenix Stone. Note that Freya could only perform this exact feat while still connected to Dahlia, yet Bonnie’s Bennett magic could achieve something Freya’s first born Mikaelson magic couldn’t.

In season 2, when her magic was only about a year old, she was powerful enough to teleport an object 300 miles away shortly after casting a locator spells to locate Elena 300 miles away without channeling anything. This was classified as Advanced Magic in the TVDU.

Also, in season 3, when her magic was only about 2 years old, she was powerful enough to break three of Esther’s powerful spells without channeling anything. First she revoked Esther’s Spirit Manifestation Spell, banishing Vicki’s ghost back to the Other Side. Then she broke Esther’s powerful Dark Magic Boundary spell without channeling anything. Then she was powerful enough to break Esther’s powerful Doppelganger Original linking spell, delinking 5 Original vampires at once, without channeling anything. In the same season, she was powerful enough to turn Grams’ spirit into flesh, like resurrection, without channeling anything. Do you even know how rare and OP this is for a witch with only 2 years power growth? What about when she was powerful enough to migraine Tyler (a hybrid) and Damon, making Tyler faint and Damon on his knees? That was impressive!

Bear in mind that throughout the entire series, Bonnie’s magic only had less than 10 years growth, but her innate power was stronger than anything we’ve seen any other witch (except Qetsiyah) do. This means if Bonnie’s magic activated when she was a baby (like the Hollow) or a toddler (like Hope), she’d be as powerful as she was at the end of season 8 by the time she turned 9 or 10. That means she’d be the most powerful witch child we’ve ever seen, much much stronger than child Hope or Freya. If Bonnie’s magic had the same growth time as Hope or Freya or Davina or Esther or any other witch we’ve seen, she’d be much much much powerful than her level of power at the end of season 8.

EDIT: People say, “well Dahlia was still stronger than Bonnie”. I honestly doubt that. Bonnie’s own innate power was already equal to 100 witches’ magic (which no witch has shown to be naturally that powerful, except like Qetsiyah). Now add in her Psychic side which was powerful enough to rival Cade’s 4000 year old psychic power (which had been amassing for 3000 years before Dahlia was even born) and then add in the fact that she has the huge potential to draw power from the entirety of the Bennett bloodline, including Qetsiyah’s total power (2000 years worth of powerful magical energy) and survive, and can attack anyone from at least an 8-mile radius (8miles is a great distance) without being present. She also knows how to access Expression (the strongest type of magic in this universe) and all her knowledge about high magic.

So, how is Dahlia going to be stronger than all of that?

Or if we strip both witches from any external help or channeling or non-witch psychic power, Bonnie would be left with her natural magic (equal to 100 witches’ magic) and Dahlia would be left with her First Born Magic. From all the evidence we’ve seen throughout the show it’s clear that Bonnie’s natural Bennett magic is way stronger than natural First Born Magic because First Born Magic alone hasn’t proven that it is equal or above 100 witches magic. So how would Dahlia fair, raw power-wise alone?

I Can Feel by Bennett (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.